The Hidden Tesla’s fast attack speed makes it very effective against light units. The Hidden Tesla’s primary strengths are its fast attack speed, its high DPS, its ability to be hidden, and the double-damage this tower deals against the P.E.K.K.A. There are many ways to deploy this tower, as its small size allows it to be placed in tighter places than the average tower. The Hidden Tesla is the only tower in the game that you get to hide. Hidden Tesla towers not only deal double damage to the P.E.K.K.A, but they will also specifically target the P.E.K.K.A over other targets if a P.E.K.K.A is in range. The Hidden Tesla is the only tower in-game which has a preferred target: the P.E.K.K.A.

Number of Hidden Teslas By Town Hall Level Hidden Tesla Upgrades and Stats by Town Hall Level 6 seconds Range: 7 Yards Targets: Ground and Air Building Size: 2 units by 2 units Preferred Target: P.E.K.K.A (2x damage) Hidden Tesla Upgrades and Stats by Town Hall Level Hidden Tesla Basic Stats, Upgrades, and Number Available by Town Hall Level Damage Type: Single Target Attack Speed: 1 attack per. Despite functioning like a trap, the Hidden Tesla has a health pool like a normal tower and counts as a building for purposes of unlocking the stars resulting from 50% and 100% of a base being destroyed. It occupies just 2×2 tiles and remains hidden until enemies get within 6 tiles of the tower. The Hidden Tesla tower is the only tower that functions like a trap in Clash of Clans.